Posted October 1, 2011 at 8:51 pm

Steel Brigade was this promotional thing when I was a kid. You send in this form where you fill in a name and choose a primary and secondary military specialty and also send in some money, and a few weeks later you got this Steel Brigade dude with a personalized filecard. It was pretty damn sweet, not gonna lie.
Anyway, my guy's name was Tyranno. Look, I don't know, I really liked dinosaurs. If I recall, his primary specialty was something related to flying and his secondary was probably related to weaponry. So, yes, he was a guy named after a dinosaur who flew and had lots of weapons. Maybe this is why I dig Wexter so much. I mean, he is clearly the trifecta.

Since Tyranno was a weapons expert, I gave him the backpack with rockets and the rocket launcher.
That's right, I'm calling him Tyranno.
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